
Showing posts from January, 2023

Valkie 64: A not so perfect start

(This review was written before several updates to the gameplay.) Valkie 64 is a game that emulates the aesthetic of the N64 Legend of Zelda games but fails to fully cross the finish line in a similar vein to either Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask, and, sadly, falls flat at even the halfway point. While it captures their looks to the point that it would not be out of place with the games of the era, it sadly lacks many of the gameplay and story touches that make the N64 Zelda titles such classics and so beloved by fans. If one would compare it generously to said titles, then It would be compared to forgotten titles from the era that one may remember fondly years later. None of this is to say that Valkie 64 is a poor or bad game, but more that Valkie 64 is lacking in various places that leave one wanting, but it does setup the building blocks for later sequels to be proper challenges or complementary pieces to the N64 classics that defined 3d gaming. Valkyrie 64 begins with a simple pr